“ We are all a little weird and life’s a little weird, and when we find someone whose weirdness is compatible with ours, we join up with them and fall in mutual weirdness and call it love"

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Day 15

Day 13 - A picture of your favorite band or artist: Josh Turner. 

Oh, you want to listen to him? Here ya go! 
This song rocks. :) 

Tuesday, June 28, 2011


Ha. So, I attempted to use Marzipan today. Let's just say this: I love to bake and decorate, but I've never used the stuff before, so naturally, I did a little research and dove into it. Apparently, it takes A LOT of time to get it to what you want it to look like. I've played with modeling clay/play-dough before, but this is a bit different. After throwing a bit of it away, I got to where I wanted to.

The hubby's birthday is coming up soon and we're doing a family birthday gathering next week. I prefer baking/decorating cupcakes, but wanted to add a little special flare since he didn't really celebrate his birthday last year (everyone was busy doing wedding stuff). I decided to do a hammock attached to two trees (one tree in one cupcake, the other in another cupcake) and it would hang over a few more cupcakes. The hammock was so hard to figure out because I'm not sure how well it'll hang once it dries/hardens, whatever Marzipan does.....yeah, haven't figured that one out yet either! Ha. Anyway, I couldn't leave it at two trees and a hammock though. What would I put next to the trees? Well, I'll tell you. Brown flip-flops (match the hubby's), two fishing poles (complete with line and worm), and a tackle-box equipped with a hook and yellow bobber. Yes, all made of Marzipan (except for the fishing line). Those turned out pretty cute and are currently drying.  I'll post pictures later.

For the rest of the cupcakes, Mike wanted devil's chocolate cake with nutella and peanut butter swirled butter-cream frosting. YUM. He's in love with peanut butter frosting, but when I told him that I found a recipe for Nutella frosting, he said he couldn't decide which he wanted, so he chose both. It should look pretty. :) So yep, that was my day. Died fingers and all.

Hubby will be home in a half hour and we're going to pop in a movie and chow down on cupcakes. :) Mmm.

Day 14

Day 12 - A picture of something you love: MY LIFE! Seriously. I have been blessed so incredibly much! I have a great family, an amazing husband, a cozy apartment, food, everything in my home, an education, and my health! I couldn't ask for more! God has provided so much and then some! 

Monday, June 27, 2011

Day 11 and a trip to the beach.

Day 11 - A picture of something you hate: Spiders. Double Yuck. We have them in our house and they seem to stalk me in the shower....

I don't even like posting a picture of one, but I'll suck it up for now. 

Moving on to things I love, I had a great time at the beach with the hubby yesterday! It was such a beautiful day and I got to wear the super comfy dress he bought me. :) All in all, it was a good day! 

Saturday, June 25, 2011


So, I had some left over card-stock that I had already cut pieces out of that I didn't want to put back in my stack, so I decided to play around with a "just because" card for the hubby. He has a Glock 19 and it's his baby. He loves it, so I decided to make a card in the shape of one. Some of the pieces pop out, but you can't really see that from the photos. On the inside, there's a bullet that says "you're a killer husband" :) It's cheesy but true: he is a GREAT husband. :)

Here's my end result:
I wish I had black card stock, but the crayons worked pretty nicely. For the grips, I crumpled up the paper to give it kind of a texture. I thought it turned out pretty cool for a last minute-card.

Day 10: A picture of the person you do the most messed up things with

Day 10 - A picture of the person you do the most messed up things with: This kid. Michael. He's my cousin, but growing up, he was more like a brother. We're 3 1/2 years apart. In this photo, we were having a pixi-stix eating contest. Yes. At 12:40 a.m. :) It was a tie and it was probably one of the worst ideas we've ever had. But it was fun.

Sky-Diving Birthday Card

So, July is a busy birthday month, so I'm sure I'll be posting several of these, but here's the birthday card for Mike's cousin, Joey. :) He loves to sky-dive, so the hubby asked if I'd make a sky-diving themed birthday card for him. I accepted the challenge and ended up with this:

 I didn't have any silver paper, so I just used regular computer paper and a silver sharpie for the parts on the plane. I cut out the shape of the plane using computer paper and then cut out the wings and the nose and put them on separately, so they pop out a little bit. The little sky diver is black marker and the face/helmet/goggles are glued on so they kind of pop out as well. For the sky, I used a brush and blue food coloring to "paint" the paper. Then, I ripped it and put pieces together, making it look like the clouds were coming through as well. Throw in some letter stickers, and you got the front.
Here's a little closer view of it. :) 
The inside said: "Once you have tasted flight, you will walk the earth with your eyes turned skywards for there you have been and there you long to return."--Leonardo da Vinci.  :) I just cut out paper clouds and used a crayon to add shadow and depth to them. I used the left over sky parts from the front as well.


Friday, June 24, 2011

Days 5-9

Okay, I know I said I'd be back yesterday, buuuut, I got super busy again. Anyway, here's the posts I missed....

Day 05 - A picture of your favorite memory: Papa giving me away on my wedding day. I'd say my wedding day in general, but I loved having him walk me down the aisle. 

Day 06 - A picture of a person you'd love to trade places with for a day: I don't have a picture for this one because I'd rather not trade places with anyone. I love my life. 

Day 07 - A picture of your most treasured item: My husband. Even when he hasn't had his coffee yet...like in this picture. 

Day 08 - A picture that makes you laugh: This photo makes me laugh because these horses were the reason I was late for my own wedding. Yes, that's right. Horses. In the middle of the road. Blocking me from getting to the lake in time. Now they've become an inside joke because I may have freaked out a little bit at the time. 

Day 09 - A picture of the person who has gotten you through the most: My mama and the hubby. :) 

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Busy busy!

I know I haven't been on here in quite a while, but this week/weekend has been the weekend of unexpected family visits! First, Gramma Geanie came up and stayed the night with the hubby's cousin, Joel. Then, the very next day, Aunt Jana came up with two of her boys. Mama#2 (the hubby's mom) came up with our 2 nephews and niece. That was so much fun! They stayed at a hotel for 2 nights and the kids had fun splashing in the pool. It rained both days though so it was mainly indoor activities for us! The only major bummer about them coming up Monday and Tuesday was that I had major homework since this is the last week of summer classes. I'm beat!

I played around with Marshmallow Fondant last night (first time making it!) and although it was a huge sticky mess, it turned out pretty good. It's wrapped up right now and the hubs and I are going to play around with it later on when he gets home from work.

I have a friend coming over today to hang out with Patrick and and I. She loves bunnies, so he should have a blast! Any attention is welcome for that bun.

Well, I better close out now. I'll be back later on for the 30 day challenge thing.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Happy Father's Day!!!

It's hard to believe that this is the 4th year that I haven't been able to call my dad and wish him happy Father's day. So I said it out loud this morning, so wherever he is up there, I know he could hear me. I miss you and love you tons, dad.

Ever since I was little though, my grandpa has been an important father-figure in my life and I am very grateful for everything that he has done for me. I've been a papa's girl from day one and still am.

Because of the role he has forever played in my life, I make him a card every year. But, each year, he expects something cooler. I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to beat this one though because it's actually popping out. The whole card. I made it look like a fish basket on the outside by folding a paper bag and hot gluing twine in a weaved fashion. The twine isn't in straight lines though, making it look old, which is what I wanted. Then, I used a paper bag handle for the handle and sewed a brown button on the front for it to close. I took a piece of straw rope the hubby made and used that as the loop that slips over the button to hold it closed. :)
Yep, that's the outside.

For the inside, I put white card stock down for the base. Then, I glued more twine on by the parts that flap over. I colored white paper with a bunch of different green crayons and cut it into strips to make it look like grass. (My grandpa usually throws grass in the basket so the fish doesn't get the basket as slimy). After placing the grass, I used sticky glue dots to attach him. :) I wrote Happy Father's Day and signed it. :)
For the fish himself, I took a coffee filter and opened it up over a plate. Then, I mixed green and blue food coloring into water and used a dropper to drop the dye onto the coffee filter. I used the blue-green around the edges. Then, I made some light pink food coloring water and dropped that toward the middle (so that the fish has pink spots on its belly). I let it dry. Then, once it was dry, I stuffed it with a piece of paper towel. I scrunched up one end to make the tail fin. I used a part of another coffee filter for the top and bottom fins. Then, I took blue and teal nail polish and made scale-like dots on the top and middle of the fish, and the fins. Then, I cut up gold paper and made the gold scales above the belly. The eye is a pearl button that I made the black spot on. That's glued on there as well. :)
Here's the little guy. :) He has all of his fins in this picture, plus if you look close enough, you'll see gills. :) 

Happy Father's Day, Papa! 

Day 04 - A picture of your night.

Day 04 - A picture of your night: Yep, this is how my nights usually go. :) Snuggled up under a blanket with the hubby. This pictures is like a year old though. We were down at Gramma and Papa's house watching Kung Fu Panda with everyone. I think it was the day after Christmas because one of the kids got the movie for Christmas. :) 

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Day 03 - A picture of the cast from your favorite show.

Day 03 - A picture of the cast from your favorite show.
Leverage! And it's starting really really soon! Super excited. You should watch it. It rocks. :)

Friday, June 17, 2011

Flower Powered Anniversary.

Happy Eleven Months, Hubby!

So, it kind of sucked that Mike had to work this afternoon, but we got to sleep in this morning, drink coffee, and watch the last episode of "Top Shot." It was pretty fun. :) And then I walked him toward the bus stop and headed to our friend Mike's house. We played some video games. I played under the hubby's profile and had a little bit of fun. You see, in this particular game, they have three weapons: their main (shotgun) their special (sniper rifle) and their other (pistol). Well, you can decorate them however you want. His weapons were black or camo.....but I went in and spent his "money" that he had racked up on the game on a flower print on his Sniper, a heart print on his shotgun, and a bubble print on his pistol. Oh, and his "cool" mask now has flowers on it as well. Did I forget to mention that I also purchased diamond encrusted grenades? Oh yes I did. And I may have used up the money so that he cannot change it back immediately. :) Muahhahaha. :)

It was fun. Maybe even more fun than playing the actual game. So, that was my anniversary gift to him. :P Anyway, his grandma and cousin are up for the night, so I'm going to go hang out with them. :) Nighty night!

Day 2: A photo of you and the person you've been closest to the longest.

Day 2: A photo of you and the person you've been closest to the longest.
That's Debbie. She's my Best Bud. We've been best friends since 1991. Yeah. I put two photos just because I could. :) She was my Maid of Honor and I was her Matron of Honor. :) 

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Day 1: A photo of you and 15 facts.

Day 01 - A picture of yourself with fifteen facts.

1. I'm really clumsy, which is why the picture above is so surprising to most people who know me. It took a lot of concentration for me to walk accross that log. 
2. I prefer winter over summer, but love to swing in the hammock with a good book in the sunshine.
3. I love to fish and shoot guns. Although I take my time, I can shoot a bulls-eye with a pistol or rifle.
4. I enjoy watching people play certain video games. My favorite to watch is Assassin's Creed.
5. I like my coffee strong and black, but I drink my tea with cream and sugar.
6. As much as I'd like to, I really can't enjoy books by Jane Austen.
7.  I love to wear flannel. 
8. I can't tan. I usually burn and then freckle.
9. I'm going to school to be a journalist, but freak out before doing phone-interviews for my articles.
10. My favorite poet is Shel Silverstein. 
11. I organize my crayon boxes by color. Yes, I have more than one. 
12. I can't cook very well, but I love to bake.
13. I'm excited to have children one day.
14. I'm pursuing a college degree, but want to be a stay-at-home mom and housewife.
15. I'm addicted to Goldfish Crackers and Dr. Pepper.

30 Day Challege

So, I did this on Facebook, but I'd like to do it again...on here. :) Instead of just doing the 30 day photo challenge, I'm going to try to do the 60 day one. :) Here they are:
Day 01 - A picture of yourself with fifteen facts.
Day 02 - A picture of you and the person you have been close with for the longest.
Day 03 - A picture of the cast from your favorite show.
Day 04 - A picture of your night.
Day 05 - A picture of your favorite memory.
Day 06 - A picture of a person you'd love to trade places with for a day.
Day 07 - A picture of your most treasured item.
Day 08 - A picture that makes you laugh.
Day 09 - A picture of the person who has gotten you through the most.
Day 10 - A picture of the person you do the most messed up things with.
Day 11 - A picture of something you hate.
Day 12 - A picture of something you love.
Day 13 - A picture of your favorite band or artist.
Day 14 - A picture of someone you could never imagine your life without.
Day 15 - A picture of something you want to do before you die.
Day 16 - A picture of someone who inspires you.
Day 17 - A picture of something that has made a huge impact on your life recently.
Day 18 - A picture of your biggest insecurity.
Day 19 - A picture of you when you were little.
Day 20 - A picture of somewhere you'd love to travel
Day 21 - A picture of something you wish you could forget.
Day 22 - A picture of something you wish you were better at.
Day 23 - A picture of your favorite book.
Day 24 - A picture of something you wish you could change.
Day 25 - A picture of your day.
Day 26 - A picture of something that means a lot to you.
Day 27 - A picture of yourself and a family member.
Day 28 - A picture of something you're afraid of.
Day 29 - A picture that can always make you smile.
Day 30 - A picture of someone you miss.
Day 31 - A picture of a tradition you have.
Day 32 - A picture of a crazy night.
Day 33 - A picture of the house you grew up in.
Day 34 - A picture of your currently most played CD.
Day 35 - A picture of your favorite place to eat.
Day 36 - A picture of your ‘other half'.
Day 37 - A picture of the people you spend most of your time with.
Day 38 - A picture of the best part of your day.
Day 39 - A picture of your favorite movie.
Day 40 - A picture of your favorite Disney character.
Day 41 - A picture of your pet.
Day 42 - A picture of your dream house.
Day 43 - A picture of something you can’t function without.
Day 44 - A picture of someone you’re told you look like.
Day 45 - A picture of your room.
Day 46 - A picture of where you wish you were right now.
Day 47 - A picture of your favorite place to shop.
Day 48 - A picture of your favorite actress/actor.
Day 49 - A picture of where you live.
Day 50 - A picture of your most frequented place.
Day 51 - A picture of your dream car.
Day 52 - A picture of your favorite sport.
Day 53 - A picture of someone you think is hot.
Day 54 - A picture of the one thing you would bring if you were stranded on a deserted island.
Day 55 - A picture of the last movie you saw in theaters.
Day 56 - A picture of something that makes you happy.
Day 57 - A picture of your favorite holiday.
Day 58 - A picture of your favorite animal.
Day 59 - A picture of a random item that you own.
Day 60 - A picture of something you’re excited about

Coffee date, Top Shot, and homework

Happy Thursday! Usually, I don't look forward to Thursdays because of the amount of homework I have, but today's been pretty darn good. The hubby and I watched some "Top Shot" on Netflix today and hung out. I had coffee at Starbucks with a friend this afternoon. Boy, let me tell you. It was so nice to get out of the house. Usually, I'm stuck in the house/on the porch doing homework all day while the hubby is at work. For example, I only got 2 hours of human contact yesterday and it can get pretty lonely. The nice chat with Lara today was refreshing. I came home, ate some late lunch and started on homework. I'm taking a quick break and then will hopefully hang out with Mike, a close friend of ours. He was part of the "adopt a freshman" program the hubs and I started last August. We knew Mike from our home town and also know that living in the dorms can get a bit.....old after a while. Since we would have tons of left-overs anyway, we usually invited him over for dinner once or twice a week. We got good company and he got good food. (I haven't mentioned that Mike (my husband) is a Hospitality Management major and comes from a long line of AMAZING cooks. :) Anyway, although Mike is now a Sophomore, he's still part of our little family here in Marquette. He has his own place outside of the dorms for the summer, and I like to hang out there while the hubs is working. We play halo. And eat fried potatoes. It's all good. :)

Update on the baby skunks: They're still roaming around and are cuter than EVER. :) Awe.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

A Soapy adventure

I made two kinds of loofah soap today. :) The first kind is a red/orange and yellow mango soap. The second kind is a caramel colored-mint tea infused soap. I made the mango for me and the mint for the hubby. He has a slight obsession with mint soap.

Anyway, For the mold, I used my metal muffin pan. I had a natural oil (it was part of a sea-salt scrub I had) and I greased the pan with that, so the soap was easier to pop out. The yellow ones were prettier, but the mint ones turned out okay too. For the loofah, I just cut it into pieces and fit them into the muffin pan. I used Melt and Pour (M&P) glycerin soap, melted it in a pan, and added the scent/color/tea. Then I poured the light colored soap over the loofah first. I gave it a few seconds, and poured the darker color on top of it and let it mix in.

Here's how they turned out. :)

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Love never fails.

I had never heard "Love Never Fails" by Brandon Heath until I was at a friend's wedding a couple of months ago. I made a mental note to remember to look up the lyrics and maybe purchase it on iTunes, but I had totally forgotten until today when I was listening to Pandora. I had my "Casting Crowns" station playing and the song came on. I think it may be one of my favorite love songs. It's so pretty.

Thought I'd share that. I'll be back later with photos of my homemade loofah soap. :) I guess it's back to homework.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Harry Potter, Scam, and Chicken Parmesan

Today was the hubby's second day off from work and we spent the majority of it curled up on the couch reading Harry Potter. He's on the Seventh for the first time, and I'm on the sixth. I couldn't have imagined a better day to relax.

Onto the scammer....I had posted my Macbook on Craigslist a while ago, and had gotten a response on it yesterday that was willing to pay $100 more than the price I had asked to cover the shipping cost and the hastle of packaging. I was hoping to find someone local, but I really could use the money, so I had asked where said person was located. He had made it sound like he was in the area, but because of work, couldn't make arrangements to come pick it up. I had thought that  I could drop it off to him if he was around the area. He had responded quickly and said that he was in California and the computer was for his cousin overseas, but he would be purchasing it for her. He asked for my PayPal email so he could send the money to PayPal. I had never used it before, so I created an account and sent him the email. I told him that once the money was in the account, I would ship the computer to him in CA. Well, I waited and waited. When I woke up this morning, I checked my email and PayPal to see if the money had been sent. No luck. I emailed him again and asked if he was still interested. He responded later that he had sent the money to the account and that I should be getting an email notification from PayPal. I had definitely gotten a "confirmation email" but it wasn't really from PayPal. It was a fake email account that he had created in order to pretend to be PayPal. The email said: "$Immediate Payment of $750 is pending. Reply to this email with the tracking number of the package for it to be put into the account." I scrolled down and saw the address. It wasn't to California. It was to Nigeria. I Googled Craigslist Scam and found that this was happening all the time. I'm just glad that I wasn't as gullible as he hoped I was going to be. I waisted the time yesterday with this idiot, but I'm still in possession of my laptop.

On a happier note, the hubby made Chicken Parmesan tonight for dinner. It was delicious. And filling. And now I won't have to make him lunch tomorrow for work. :) I love leftover days. :)

Off to play Candamir. :)

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Cuteness overload.

So, Patrick has a BFF. He's a stuffed hedgehog named Hector. They do everything together. Patrick moves him around his cage to play, cuddle, and drink his water. Yes, there have been several times that I went to go pet Patrick to find the stuffed animal's nose in the water dish. Anyway, Patrick snuggles with it all the time. I finally got a picture of it and it's adorable. But don't take my word for it.....here's Patrick and his stuffed animal.
Yes, I know. Adorable. We're in the process of getting Patrick a live friend (another bunny) so he doesn't have to snuggle nose-to-nose with a hedgehog full of stuffing. But for now, Patrick loves him just the same.

Patrick wasn't the only cutie I saw today though. The hubby came home from a friends house and told me to grab the camera. A little family of baby skunks lives over by the apartment office. They're cuties too.

Yep. So my day was filled with cute animals. :) The mama skunk wasn't anywhere to be seen. She must have been sleeping while these little guys were out roaming around.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Peanut Butter & Jelly Smoothie.

I told you I had an obsession for mason jars! :)

So, I was craving a PB&J, but wasn't hungry enough for the whole sandwich. I decided to make a quick PB&J smoothie! :) Oh, you want one too?

Here's what you need:
1/2 cup Peanut Butter (I used Natural with Honey)
1/3 cup Jelly (I used Strawberry Preserves)
About 1/2 cup of Yogurt (I used Plain Fage (Fayeh) Greek Yogurt)
1/2 cup of Milk....or so. 
1 frozen Banana (not pictured because I didn't have one, but I usually use them in my smoothies)

Yes, I already drank half before the picture.
 I couldn't help myself.

Put all into the blender and blend! :) Depending on the type of peanut butter, jelly, and yogurt you use, the consistency may differ, so the amounts may need to be altered to reach the consistency you like. The yogurt I use is thick and much like sour-cream. You'd probably need a lot more yogurt if you use Yoplait or something like that.

Because I didn't have the banana, I stuck it in the freezer for like 7 minutes or so.

Note on Fage yogurt: If you haven't tried this Greek yogurt, you probably should. It comes in singles as well, but the jam or honey is in a separate spot so you can either mix it all together or take a scoop of yogurt and dip it into the jam/honey. It's the best yogurt I've ever had. :)

Enjoy! :)

Happy Reading!

In the ten-something months that I've been married, I've learned some pretty cool stuff about marriage. One of those things is the fact that we don't need to put tons of energy into entertaining ourselves when we're together. My hubby and I like to just hang out.

I recently got him interested in reading the Harry Potter books. He got to the fifth one and stopped reading because the fifth one is probably the most slow-paced of them all. She crams a whole lot of information into them and it can bog you down. Anyway, he ran out of books to read and I told him that he could just skip the fifth one. I told him what happened and he started reading. I picked up the 7th again and we sit for hours and just read. We take momentary breaks to share something funny or if he comes across a question. We've always done that though.

My favorite thing about summer is when I get to string our double-wide hammock between two trees, grab our tie-blankets and a couple of books. Sometimes the books are completely different from each other, but we just lay there and read in silence by each other. We've spent hours doing that and I absolutely love it.

That's the awesome thing about marriage, especially when we have a lot of the same interests. I can do the things I love and he can do the things he loves with each other and not worry about boring the other. I love to watch him play Assassin's Creed on Xbox 360. He doesn't ignore me when he plays either. My job is to look for eagle spots, feathers, wanted posters, and anything else he could be collecting as he's working on missions. It's fun and I can be a part of it. Likewise, he's helped me with Spyro.

Thought I'd share that. :) I'm off to read while the hubby is at work! :)

I'm leaving you on this note: Another thing I love about summer: fresh fruit, and all of the wonderful things you can do with it. Here's an idea for some strawberries: I stumbled on them. I check out her blog ALL the time to see what sweet stuff she's coming up with. Just likes these. Yummmm....
Cheesecake stuffed strawberries

Wednesday, June 8, 2011


I'm addicted to Stumbleupon.com. No joke. I've spent hours hitting the stumble button and discovering yummy dishes, awesome interior decorating, and jokes that made me giggle uncontrollably. There is so much on the internet that has yet to be discovered! My favorite is the recipes I find. I have like 300 favorites and most of them are recipes (and of those recipes, most contain chocolate or nutella. or both.) Anyway, I thought I'd share my top finds of tonight. :)

A Pie. In a Jar?
Pie Favors in a jar. These just look so pretty. :) I want to make them. Maybe one day that it decides to be cold outside for at least an hour or so. I think I'll try apple. Mmm. A trip to the Farmer's market this Saturday might be in store to get some fresh apples. Oh, and I'm in love with mason jars. Seriously.

Lava made from Nutella?
Apparently, lava does come in the form of Nutella. In a cookie, even. Maybe I could put the apple pies in a jar on the top rack and these cookies on the bottom? Because Now I'm not sure how to decide which ones I'll make when I get that hour or so of bearable weather. Because I'm pretty sure that these cookies would last 10 minutes in my house. Five if the hubby is home.

Awesome Envelopes
Next letter I send, I'm doing this. It looks pretty cool. :)

See, I only stumbled for like 45 minutes and found some pretty cool stuff. :) Oh, and see what I mean about the chocolate and the nutella? :)

Silly rabbits and thunder storms.

Just taking a quick break before working on more homework. The hubby is at work again, so it's just Patrick and I. The plan was to do homework outside on the porch in the sun, but it's Marquette, and well, plans don't exist based on the weather. It stormed a bit today, but cleared up. Just as I had gotten my computer charged and my books together to head outside, our house shook. Thunder, again. Normally, I wouldn't mind getting soaked, but the laptop was involved, so I decided to stay in and do homework in front of a fan. Patrick likes it much better this way too. He hates thunder storms and would much rather be out of his cage causing havoc in the apartment anyway. He'll jump off the couch to explore and the second there's thunder, he's back up on me and under the blankets. Yes, it's too hot for blankets, but I'd rather him burrow into those than try to dig through the couch. He's been trying to eat the corners of my book all afternoon. Normally,  I wouldn't mind, but I don't think the library would appreciate a book with all of the corners chewed off. Silly rabbits, books are for kids.

Anyway, I suppose I should go figure out something to make for dinner. I hate trying to figure out what to make when the hubby's at work. A bowl of fruit loops just might have to suffice. :)